Wednesday, 14 March 2012



  1. The MC of Society shall prepair & maintain all the records, book and files as mension in the Rule No. 65 in MCS,Rule1961 and as per Bye-Laws No. 142,143.
  2. It is duty & responsibility of  Secretary  to keep up to date all records,book and files of Society as per Bye-Laws No. 144.
  3. The Society  has to keep the following Register, records, book and file Permently and keep update.
    1. “I” Register
    2. “J” Register
    3. Cash Book
    4. General Ledger
    5. Personal Ledger
    6. Property Register
    7. Share Register
    8. Sinking Fund Register
    9. Investment Register
    10. Nomination Register
    11. Mortgage Register
    12. Minutes Book of Meeting of MC
    13. Minutes Book of Meeting of AGM/SGM
    14. Audit Report File
    15. “O” Form File
    16. Structural Audit Report File
    17. Application for Membership / Associate Membership / Nominal Membership file[each separat files]
    18. Approved Plans of Construction and correspondance thereon
    19. All permision like CC, OC, Society Registration Certificate, NA Order Copy. etc
    20. Property Tax , NA Tax, Water Charges, Electric Charges  Bill and Payment Receipt [each separat files]
    21. All Agreement of Flats from 1st Owner [who purchase flat from Builder] to Current/ Last Owner for each Flats in Society.
    22. All Land relateded Document Like 7/12, C.T.S. Extract, Development Agreement, POA of Land etc
    23. Bank PassBook, Cheque Book ,Fix Deposite etc
    24. All Contract Deeds with papers connected thereto
    25. Conveyance Deed and correspondence about Conveyance of the Property.

  1. It is responsibility of Secretary of Outgoing Committee to Hand Over the Office of Society and all the records, book and files by making List to New Committee along with Chairman and other Member of MC and take sign of New Committee on List
  2. If Outgoing Committee not Hand Over the  Office of Society and all the records, book and files to New Committee then Registrar of Society take action against the committee U/S 146 & 147 MCS ACT 1960. Registrar give order against Outgoing Committee for Disqualified for re-election of Society.
  3. All  the records, book and files shall keep in the Office of Society. If Office of Society is not available the MC has to pass resolution where to keep this all the records, book and files
  4. If Member of Society has to examin the any the records, book and files OR want copies of the same U/S 32 of MCS ACT 1960 and as per Bye-Laws No. 172 shall pay coping fees at the rates mentioned against them.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Duties & Responsibilities & Function of the Managing Committee Member

Managing Committee Member are the Officer who are active for function of Managing Committee. Their duties and works are as follows:-

  • The tenure of the MC is five years from the date of its first meeting.
  • To elect Chairman, Secretary and Treasure among them. 
  • To attend MC meeting every month and take active part in the Management.
  • If MC Member has failed to attend 3 consecutive meeting of the MC without permission then it is consider that a member of MC ceases to be a Member of the MC.
  • MC Members should help to Chairman, Secretary and Treasure for day to day work.
  • They have to do work given by Chairman, Secretary and Treasure from time to time.
  • MC Member should help for Recovery Procedure U/S 101 against Society Member who is defaulter[Not paying Society Bill from last 3 Bill]
  • Keep eye open for functioning of the MC
  • To give opinion and vote in MC Meeting.
  • To take action, part in management of the Society and help MC.
  • The strength of the MC & strength of the quorum for conducting the meeting would be as under
No of Member
Strength of the MC
Strength of the MC
Up to 50
51 to 100
101 to 300
301 and above
  • If General Body of the Society decides to increase the strength of the MC , a proposal has to submitted to the Officer not rank below Dy.Registrar of Society within two months from the date of resolution passed by General Body along with amendment form for amendment in Bye-Laws No. 115 & 127 and affixed Rs10/- Court Fees Stamp on it.The strength can be increase only after the proposal is approved by the Office not rank below Dy.Registrar.
  • If Member of MC give resignation or remove from his/her post by passing a no confidence resolution by SGM/AGM then MC can make other person as  Member of MC  by co-opting  any eligible other member as MC member.No re election is required. 
  • As per Bye-Laws No. 116 before expiry of its term of M C must arrange the election for New M C and inform this to Dy./Asst. Registrar C.S.
  • After election is over within 30 days new committee should elect Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer among them self and inform this to election officer.
  • After election of new Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer  and other committee member 1 joint meeting with old committee and new committee should held to hand over process for office and other document and make list of this and take sign on this for both committee member i.e. old and new one and also take sign of election officer as witness
  • It is responsibility of old committee to make sign change in all bank A/C of society and make authorize sign of new Chairman , Secretary and Treasurer
  • As per Bye-Laws No. 125 change of Signature in Bank, Hand over Process should recorded in MC minutes Book
  • New committee Must submit Copy Of M-20 Bond with is 45 days form taking charge on Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper  for each MC Member separately to Registrar Office along with Change Report. 
  • All payment more than Rs. 1000/- must pay by A/C payee  Cheque 
  • If work is more than RS. 10,000/- then MC should Invite quotation from different member. No of minimum quotation which is invite should decide and approve in AGM i.e for each time how much quotation is invited by committee like 3/5/7 is decide and approve in AGM of Society and each time committee should follow this process.
  • After taking AGM/SAGM committee should send minutes of meeting to each member within 30 days of meeting before final writing in minutes book for verify by member if any point is missing or not and it is responsible of chairman and secretary
  • Take AGM before every 14th Augest of every year and pass Audit Report given by Auditor
  • Change Auditor every 2 year As per MCS ACT 1960 AND MCS RULE 1961.
  • If MC  will not able to take AGM before 14th Augest then committee should take Extension Period from Registrar Office by giving Application latter affixed Rs10/- Court Fees Stamp on it.and give resolution and region for extension along with application.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Duties & Responsibilities & Function of the Treasure.

Bank Function and Cash Function are main function is with Treasure.Treasure has to control and do the following works:-

  1. Prepares Monthly Charges Bills of member with his/her Sign on it & issue to member on date.
  2. Prepares Receipts for money received from member with his/her Sign on it.
  3. Prepares Payment Voucher.
  4. Maintains Monthly Collection Register.
  5. Maintains Cash Book, Bank Book & Pass Book.
  6. Maintains Investment Register.
  7. Maintains Cheque Deposit Slip.
  8. Maintains Cheque Issue Payment.
  9. Maintains Ledger Accounts.
  10. Maintains Payment Voucher File., Cash Memo, Purchase Bill Files.
  11. Prepares Out Standing Statement of member every Month and put it on MC Meeting for taking action against them.
  12. Prepare list of Fixed Deposit like Sinking Fund, Share Capital, Other FD with Investment Amount,date,interest,Maturity Amount, date and give to auditor to attach it to in  Audit Report  .
  13. Make Fixed Deposit for Sinking Fund [amount collecting from member in every year for Sinking Fund] in Dist. Co-op.Bank every year with permission of MC. 
  14. If Treasure give resignation or remove from his/her post by passing a no confidence resolution by SGM/AGM then MC can make other person as  Treasure  among them and co-opt other member as MC member.No re election is required. 

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Duties & Responsibilities & Function of the Secretary.

Secretary  is Functional Officer of the Society. Secretary is Planner, Organizer,Executing and Controlling activities of the Society. Function of Secretary are as follows:-

  1. To ensure to hold every month meeting  of MC.
  2. To prepare Agenda for MC meeting.
  3. To issue notice with Agenda for MC meeting to member of MC.
  4. To  read and confirm the meeting of last MC meeting.
  5. To prepare Agenda for AGM/SGM meeting.
  6. To issue notice with Agenda for AGM/SGM meeting to all member of the society.
  7. To read and confirm the meeting of the last AGM/SGM meeting.
  8. To record Minutes of meeting of MC,AGM,SGM meeting.
  9. To issue Share Certificate to member of Society.
  10. To Transfer Share Certificate within stipulated time.
  11. Deals with resignation , transfer of member of Society.
  12. To make entry of nomination on the Nominee Register and sign the Nomination Form.
  13. To supervise & to do inspection of flats of the Society.
  14. To issue notice to member for internal leakage and other repairs.
  15. To deal with out going of members by transferring flats after scrutinized the paper as per Bye-Laws.
  16. To deal with application of resignation of Membership.
  17. To prepare and raise Demand Notice [Bill] of Society Charges for Member and issue to all member on time.
  18. To bring notice of default payment before MC meeting.
  19. To take action against default Payment member by giving them Legal Notice U/S 101 for payment.
  20. To maintain following records for the Societies for better management   a] Account Records.  b] Members Records.  c] Statutory Records.
  21. To place complaints application with facts before the Committee.
  22. To put record for Auditing and get it finalize in the required manner.
  23. To bring breaches of Bye-Laws by the member before the Committee.
  24.  To prepare Audit Rectification Report on Audit Remarks.
  25. To produce record before Govt. Authorities with consent of Chairman.
  26. To give NOC for flat sale agreement OR NOC for loan on flats.
  27. To record mortgage of flat on Mortgage Register/ Loan Register.
  28. To take action against member who breaches Bye-Laws of Society as per decision of MC meeting.
  29. Maintains all other correspondence files, document etc.
  30. To issue letter of allotment of Flats OR cancellation thereof.
  31. Any other duties prescribed by Co-op. Law from time to time.
  32. If Secretary give resignation or remove from his/her post by passing a no confidence resolution by SGM/AGM then MC can make other person as Secretary among them and co-opt other member as MC member.No re election is required.