Friday, 17 April 2020

PMSYM BULK ENROLLMENT OF Domestic workers (maid ,cook ,sweepers,d etc) BY 21/04/2020

Dear All,

Now we are all fighting against the Corona virus by staying safe at home.

Our Govt has introduced  the PM-SYM a pension scheme for workers in unorganised sector and Domestic workers (maid ,cook ,sweepers,d etc) are also part of it Unfortunately due to lack of knowledge they are unable to take benefits of such schemes.

Labour Department is now trying to indentify beneficiaries and provide them social security .For this they are collecting information of domestic workers working in housing societies
You can contribute to this by  filling information of your domestic workers in the google form of below given link —

Before filling the form you have to make call to your domestic worker and collect the following information :-
1.Name of Worker
2.Date of birth
3.Mobile no
4.Whether he/she is member of Maharashtra Domestic workers Board
5.Ration card no.
6.Type of ration card
7.Aadhar no.
8.( It also requires society name,Registration no. and no. of flats in society which you can collect from your society ) You have to just fill and send it

      After that officers of the labour department will process it and will give the benefit of the scheme to eligible person.

Your role is just help to identify eligible beneficiaries

Your kind gesture will help the workers to get benefits of social security and other government schemes.

More importantly you will also get all the detailed information of domestic workers working in your house which will be helpful in future.

Last date to provide this information is 21/04/2020

Queries, if any, and filled up Excel Sheet to be sent to: 

Friday, 10 April 2020

Direct Sales Scheme (Directly from Farmers to Housing socities ), for the Co-operative Housing Socities in Maharashtra.

Dear All Co-operative housing socities

The honorable Chief Minister Shree Uddhav Thackeray and Co-operatives Minister Shree Balasaheb Patil have announced a Direct Sales Scheme (Directly from Farmers to Housing socities ), for the Co-operative Housing Socities in Maharashtra.
Under this scheme all the members of Co-operative housing socities can buy  their groceries, fruits and vegetable from their homes.
My Humble request to all of you is to use  this scheme and Benefit from it.
Please find attached a link to access this scheme.


*सर्व गृहनिर्मण संस्थांसाठी विशेष सूचना*

*मा मुख्यमंत्री श्री उद्धव बाळासाहेब ठाकरे* व *सहकार मंत्री श्री बाळासाहेब पाटील* यांच्या मार्फत सहकारी गृहनिर्माण संस्थानसाठी थेट विक्री योजना राबविण्यात येत आहे. या योजनेमार्फत  सर्व गृहनिर्माण संस्थांचे सभासद घर बसल्या आपल्या जीवनावश्यक अन्न धान्य , किराणा ,  भाज्या , फळे इतर वस्तू घेऊ शकतात.
तरीही आपण सर्वानी याचा लाभ घ्यावा , हि विंनती.