Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Casual vacancies in Managing Committee how to be filled in.

As per Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Election to Committee) Rules, 2014.
Rule No. 74. Casual vacancies how to be filled in. — In the event of vacancy occurring on account of death, resignation, disqualification or removal of the member of a society or through such a member becoming incapable of acting prior to the expiry of his term of office or otherwise, the Chief Executive officer of the Society shall forthwith communicate the occurrence of such vacancies to the SCEA and the vacancy shall be filled as soon as conveniently, according to the provisions of the Act. The person so elected or co-opted or, as the case may be, nominated shall hold office so long only as the member of the committee in whose place he is elected, is co-opted or, as the case may be, nominated would have held it, if the vacancy had not occurred